15 November 2009

Open Letter

saw the mountain goats in seattle last week, drank whisky to the whiny fool- sounded just like the records like getting drunk at a party where someone plays that great playlist all night and everyone gets along, for a little bit. drove home in some nightmarish snowstorm for hours, hours of treacherous washington-idaho mountain pass bullshit. but i made it, thinking only i have more enemies than friends where i'm headed- abrasive assholishness cultivated in years of grass and beans and selfrighteous indifference to the similarities, noting only the divergent ruffians America has made out of people. but what the fuck, right, so get a tv thrown out of a window tattooed on your arm. be mean, tell people what you mean, and if there's no truth well who cares why do you say it like you're right. narcissism meets nihilism, good drugs and bad conversations. why is everyone so far off, so asleep? there's a goddamn war out our windows, we're being fucked every day of our lives. what an exciting time it is take care darling.

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